
Methylation Profile

Test Code: 5101

Methylation is a process where certain nutrients called ‘methyl donors’ are added to specific elements of DNA, our gene markers and proteins that keep them physiologically active.  Methylation is a major pathway to focus on in understanding autoimmune and neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis, seizure disorders, dementia, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, depression, anxiety and autism spectrum disorders.  Methylation is responsible for making, maintaining and repairing DNA.

The methylation cycle is a biochemical pathway that manages or contributes to a wide range of biochemical functions: detoxification, supporting DNA (turning genes on and off), producing energy, reducing inflammation, synthesising neurotransmitters, homocysteine metabolism, protein methylation, phase 2 liver detoxification and supporting immune function.  Inadequate methylation capacity can lead to birth defects, depression, cognitive decline, and cancer.  Impaired methylation has even been associated with autism.  Support of methylation markers has been associated with rapid return of speech, improvement of behaviour in ADD and ADHD spectrums.

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